Counter Terrorism

IED (Improvised Explosive Devices). IED is defined as “a device” placed in an improvised manner incorporating destructive action, lethal, noxious, pyrotechnic, incendiary and / or chemicals, and which aims to destroy or incapacitate. It may include Mills Military explosives, but is usually derived from non-military components. the “IEDs are tactical weapons that may have strategic effect, because they can cause a high level of accidents and restrict the forces friendly maneuverability at the tactical level, and at the same time, especially when combined with a information campaign, a disproportionate effect on the conduct of operations in the operational and strategic levels. Furthermore, IEDs are often relatively cheap and easy to produce and normally its operator is not exposed to the risk of direct engagement;

C-IED. The collective effort at all levels, need to be developed to prevent, predict, reduce or eliminate the effects of all types of IEDs used against friends fighting forces or against noncombatants. This effort requires a synergy of appropriate policies, doctrine, organization, equipment and effective training.

System IED – combination of people, processes and equipment, consisting of one or more hostile entities with their equipment, technology, skills, knowledge, personnel and means of supply and employment:

  • Timeliness: The terrorists are always one step ahead;
  • may, at any time, change your course of action;
  • The IEDs are smart weapon of the poor;
  • The enemy observes us and knows our routines;
  • Avoid repetition of routes and procedures, as well as patterns of action and predictable displacement;
  • Unconventional War / asymmetric threat;
  • Area Joint Operations / Frontline Lack;
  • Hidden Enemy, difficult to identify;
  • Proliferation of the use of IEDs (weapon of the poor).IED (Improvised Explosive Devices).